Narodowe Centrum Kultury Podcast
Pogrom mieszkańców ukraińskiego Proskurowa w 1919 roku, trudna ucieczka do Wiednia i wreszcie nowe życie w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Wszystkie te wydarzenia są częścią losów rodziny amerykańskiego kompozytora, Mathew Rosenbluma. Historia, którą usłyszał w dzieciństwie, zainspirowała go do skomponowania utworu Lament / Sabat Czarownic.Opowiedział nam o nim w tym odcinku podcastu.
Full articleVoice of the Arts
Mathew Rosenblum stopped by to talk about the 2020 Beyond: Microtonal Music Festival. The event runs February 28th through March 1st at various locations around town.
Full articleWQED Podcast
Hear why you will enjoy the Microtonal Music Festival with the University of Pittsburgh’s Mathew Rosenblum composer and clarinetist David Krakauer who will give the premiere of Matthew’s new Concerto on Thursday evening at Carnegie Music Hall
Full articlePreview in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
In the mid-1980s, composer Mathew Rosenblum bought an upright piano and started to experiment. Armed with mutes, a wrench, a digital tuner and tuning books, he spent two years developing his own tuning system in his apartment in New York City.
Full articleFeature Article in Pittsburgh City Paper
Beyond: Microtonal Music Festival showcases the widening landscape of the genre.
Full articlePreview in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Classical music lovers know that the genre can take you to the greatest emotional heights. This weekend’s itinerary includes an investigation of Earth’s most essential elements and a journey to the far reaches of outer space.
Full articleFeature Article in Pittsburgh City Paper
“Was a time when you were either a strict minimalist or you were doing the anti-Phil Glass thing. Mathew was able to steer the course between the two of them.”
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SoundNotion 139: It Happened on 13th Street
Full articlePreview in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Art is often not intentional, even in its subject matter.
Prominent American poet James Dickey found himself fascinated by a story in The New York Times about an airline stewardess who fell out the door of an Allegheny Airlines flight over Connecticut. He imagined what she was thinking as she fell to her death in his acclaimed poem “Falling,” which was first published in 1967.
“It’s dark, but it’s also very life-affirming,” says Matthew Rosenblum, who has written an instrumental piece based on the poem.
Full articleFeature Article in Pitt Magazine
“In an apartment on 13th Street in Manhattan’s East Village, a 30-something composer sits at a baby grand piano, imagining layers of sound. Guided by a tug of intuition, he senses what he wants to hear. As he muses, he can see the baby grand’s inner life, its sweep of wire and soft-padded wooden hammers, its orderly rows of metal tuning pegs, its elegant arc of carbon-steel strings.”
Full articleFeature Article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
“Mathew Rosenblum can count nine distinct reasons his music is unique in the world.
Two decades ago, the Pitt composer perfected a personal scale that inserts nine new notes among the traditional 12 of the chromatic scale. To a Western ear, the additional notes can sound out of tune, but they are structural elements influenced by Persian and Javanese music. It’s the compositional DNA that lends Rosenblum’s works a distinctive quality.”
Full articlePreview in Pittsburgh City Paper
Some operas begin with a powerful backstory — court intrigue, star-crossed lovers, mythical sagas, and so on. But the new opera RedDust: Portraits, Dreams & Prayers, the brainchild of Pittsburgh-based composer and University of Pittsburgh music professor Mathew Rosenblum, was born with a sound.
Full articleFeature Article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
As grant recipients push the limits of their potential, they also challenge audiences. “This is the most substantial piece I’ve undertaken,” Rosenblum said, referring to “Red Dust.” “It’s an hour long, and it has so many elements to it. It’s stretching myself quite a bit.” “Red Dust,” he added, “will turn the typical operagoer 180 degrees” because the work combines spoken words with singing, video on three screens and music played in “surround sound.” “It won’t be your father’s opera,” the composer added.
Full articleInterview in the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
A collaboration between University of Pittsburgh professor Matthew Rosenblum and Grammy award nominee David Krakauer tells a story of massacre, migration and memory.
Full articlePreview in the Pittsburgh City Paper
While assembling the program for the second Beyond: Microtonal Music Festival, the organizers wanted pieces that connected with the theme, “Cultural Roots/Cultural Intersection.”
Full articlePreview in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Cultural Intersections and superstition to feature in the Beyond: Microtonal Music Festival
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